A visual programming IDE for object-oriented languages
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level 12]
 Architecture of the Envision environmentIn order to allow for new extensions to the basic core of Envision's design features a modular architecture
 Compiling Envision from sourceEnvision is written in C++20 and uses the CMake build system
 Contributing to EnvisionAll contributions to the Envision source code such as enhancements or bug fixes are much appreciated
 CreditsEnvision is a research prototype developed at the Chair of Programming Methodology, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich
 Tutorials for Envision contributorsIn this series of tutorials we explain how to extend and customize Envision
 Adding a new node type to Envision's modelIn this tutorial we will see how to add a new node type in Envision
 Adding a new visualization itemIn this tutorial we will see how to add a custom visualization for a node
 Creating a handler for a visualizationIn this tutorial we will see how to enhance a visualization with a custom handler
 Motivation and key ideas
 Try EnvisionOnce you have successfully compiled Envision and are able to run it you can try launching one of the projects and experience Envision for yourself