►NAlloy | |
CAlloyException | |
CAlloyExporter | Saves the generated Alloy code to disk |
CAlloyPlugin | Implements the interface between the Alloy plug-in and Envision |
CAlloyTest | |
CAlloyVisitor | Transforms a class into Alloy compatible code |
CCAlloy | Offers the command line interaction to execute the Alloy generation |
►NAPIDepTest | |
CAPIDepTestPlugin | Implements the interface between the HelloWorld plug-in and Envision |
►Nclang | |
Ncomments | |
►NCodeReview | |
CCCodeReview | |
CCCodeReviewComment | |
►CCFocus | |
CFocusInformation | |
CCodeReviewCommentOverlay | |
CCodeReviewCommentOverlayStyle | |
CCodeReviewException | |
CCodeReviewManager | |
CCodeReviewPlugin | Implements the interface between the CodeReview plug-in and Envision |
CHCodeReviewOverlay | |
CHReviewableItem | |
CNodeReviews | |
CNodeReviewsList | |
COrderings | |
CReviewComment | |
CSimpleTest | |
►CUseAnalysisGroupings | |
CDiffFrameInfo | |
CVNodeReviews | |
CVNodeReviewsStyle | |
CVReviewComment | |
CVReviewCommentStyle | |
►NComments | |
CCCreateShape | |
CColorPicker | Button which shows a grid of colors when clicked |
CCommentDiagram | |
CCommentDiagramConnector | |
CCommentDiagramShape | |
CCommentDiagramToolbar | Toolbar for the diagram editor |
CCommentFreeNode | Documentation element which can hold nodes of any type |
CCommentNode | |
CCommentsException | |
CCommentsPlugin | Implements the interface between the Comments plug-in and Envision |
CCommentsTest | |
CCommentsTestUtil | |
CCommentTable | Offers a comment element to display tables |
CCommentText | Textfield which is used in the CommentFreeNode |
CCShapeSetProperty | |
CHComment | |
CHCommentDiagram | |
CHCommentDiagramConnector | |
CHCommentDiagramShape | |
CHCommentFreeNode | Functionality to interact with the CommentFreeNode class |
CHCommentImage | |
CHCommentText | Functionality to interact with the CommentText class |
COutlineTypePicker | Button which shows a list of possible outlines when clicked |
CVComment | |
CVCommentDiagram | |
CVCommentDiagramConnector | |
CVCommentDiagramSequenceStyle | |
CVCommentDiagramShape | |
CVCommentDiagramShapeSequenceStyle | |
CVCommentDiagramShapeStyle | |
CVCommentDiagramStyle | Style for the VCommentDiagram |
CVCommentFreeNode | Offers the visualization of the CommentFreeNode class |
CVCommentImage | |
CVCommentStyle | |
CVCommentTable | Offers the visualization of the CommentTable class |
CVCommentTableStyle | Style for the VCommentTable |
CVCommentText | Visualization of the CommentText class |
►NContractsLibrary | |
CChangeMonitor | |
CContractFilter | |
CContractsLibraryException | |
CContractsLibraryPlugin | Implements the interface between the ContractsLibrary plug-in and Envision |
CContractsLibraryTest | |
CInterfaceContractsVMethodAddOn | |
CSignatureContractsVMethodAddOn | |
CValueAtReturnVisitor | |
►NControlFlowVisualization | |
CControlFlowItem | |
CControlFlowItemStyle | |
CControlFlowVisualizationException | |
CControlFlowVisualizationPlugin | Implements the interface between the ControlFlowVisualization plug-in and Envision |
CSimpleTest | |
CVBlockCF | |
CVBlockCFStyle | |
CVBreakStatementCF | |
CVContinueStatementCF | |
CVIfStatementCF | |
CVIfStatementCFStyle | |
CVListCF | |
CVListCFStyle | |
CVLoopStatementCF | |
CVLoopStatementCFStyle | |
CVReturnStatementCF | |
►NCore | This is the main executable that simply loads all available plug-ins and initializes Qt's graphical subsystem |
CAdapterManager | |
CEnvisionApplication | |
CEnvisionException | Base class of all exception classes in Envision |
CEnvisionManager | The EnvisionManager interface provides various information about the Envision system |
CEnvisionPlugin | This EnvisionPlugin interface is the one that each plug-in must implement |
CPluginDependency | Specifies a plug-in dependency |
CPluginInfo | Descibres a plug-in and specifies which plug-ins it depends on |
CPluginManager | |
CProfileJob | |
CProfiler | |
CReflect | |
CTestEvent | |
CTestRunner | |
CTypeRegistry | |
►NCppExport | |
CCodeComposite | |
CCodeUnit | |
CCodeUnitPart | |
CConfig | |
CCppExporter | |
CCppExportException | |
CCppExportPlugin | Implements the interface between the CppExport plug-in and Envision |
CCppPrintContext | |
CDeclarationVisitor | |
CDependencyTarget | |
CElementVisitor | |
CExportHelpers | |
CExpressionVisitor | |
CSimpleTest | |
CSpecialCases | |
CStatementVisitor | |
►NCppImport | |
CAllMetaDefinitions | Interface to generate all sorts of MetaDefinitions during macro import |
CClangAstConsumer | |
CClangAstVisitor | This is the core visitor of the CppImport plugin it translates declarations and statements from clang's AST to Envision's AST |
CClangFrontendActionFactory | |
CClangHelpers | Holds the clang::SourceManager and clang::Preprocessor during macro import |
CComment | |
CCommentParser | |
CCppImportException | |
CCppImportLogger | |
CCppImportManager | This is the core manager of the CppImport plugin |
CCppImportPlugin | Implements the interface between the CppImport plug-in and Envision |
CCppImportUtilities | This is a helper class for translation of types operators type arguments and similar simple constructs |
CEnvisionToClangMap | Logically holds the mapping from Envision AST nodes to Clang AST nodes |
CExpressionVisitor | The expression visitor translates clang expression to envision expression |
CMacroArgumentInfo | |
CMacroArgumentLocation | |
CMacroDefinitions | Stores the raw macro definition (not MetaDefinition) information provided by PPCallback for a translation unit |
CMacroExpansion | |
CMacroExpansions | Creates and stores all MacroExpansions for a translation unit |
CMacroImporter | Uses the information provided by the ClangAstVisitor and the Preprocessor to transform a completely expanded Envision AST without macros into an Envision AST with MetaDefinitions and MetaCalls |
CNodeHasher | This is a helper class which aims to create unique identifiers for clang nodes |
CNodeHelpers | Constains all relevant methods for macro import that do not depend on Clang or macro import components |
CNodeToCloneMap | Produced when cloning a tree |
CPPCallback | Used to get all necessary information for macro import from the preprocessor |
CSpecialCases | |
CStandardMetaDefinitions | Creates and stores all MetaDefinitions that are not x-Macro MetaDefinitions |
CTemplateArgumentVisitor | A visitor for template arguments |
CTranslateFrontendAction | This class is used for clang tools |
CTranslateManager | This class is to manage the whole translation process |
►NCppImportLight | |
CCppImportLightException | |
CCppImportLightPlugin | Implements the interface between the CppImportLight plug-in and Envision |
CCppParser | |
CSimpleTest | |
►NCustomMethodCall | |
CCustomMethodCallException | |
CCustomMethodCallPlugin | Implements the interface between the CustomMethodCall plug-in and Envision |
CCustomVisTest | |
CEmptyMethodVis | |
CEmptyMethodVisStyle | |
CFindMethodVis | |
CFindMethodVisStyle | |
CInsertMethodVis | |
CInsertMethodVisStyle | |
CSumMethodVis | |
CSumMethodVisStyle | |
NDeclarativeEnumerations | |
►NExport | |
CCompositeFragment | |
CCompositeFragmentTest | |
CExportAndDeleteDir | |
CExportAndDeleteFile | |
CExportAndModify | |
CExporter | |
CExportError | |
CExportException | |
CExportIdentical | |
CExportJustText | |
CExportMapContainer | |
CExportPlugin | Implements the interface between the Export plug-in and Envision |
CFileWriter | |
CFragmentDecoration | |
CFragmentLayouter | |
CPrintContext | |
CSleep | |
CSourceDir | |
CSourceFile | |
CSourceFragment | |
CSourceLocation | |
CSpan | |
CTextFragment | |
CTextToNodeMap | |
CVisitor | |
CVisitorData | |
►NFilePersistence | Thes FilePersistence plug-in implements a file and a clipboard application tree stores based on XML |
CaddAndRename | |
CAtomicCycleMoveDel | |
CAtomicCycleMoveIns | |
CAtomicCycleMoveMove | |
CBothChangeSameList_Conflicts | |
CChangeDescription | |
►CChangeGraph | |
CLabelData | |
CChunk | |
CCommit | |
CCommitFile | |
CCommitGraph | |
CCommitGraphItem | |
CCommitMetaData | |
CConflicts | |
CConflictUnitComponent | |
CCopyPartialToClipboard | |
CCopyToClipboard | |
Cdeletion | |
CDependencies | |
CDiff | |
CDiff3Parse | |
CDiscardConflictingDeletesComponent | The DiscardConflictingDeletesComponent detects subtrees which one branch removes entirely and another alters |
CEvalClassMove | |
CEvalLoopFix | |
CEvalMethodInsert | |
CFilePersistenceException | |
CFilePersistencePlugin | |
CFileUtil | |
CGenericNode | |
CGenericPersistentUnit | |
CGenericTree | TODO It might be good to separate trees with piecewise loaders and other "kinds" of trees into subclasses |
CGitCommitExtract | |
CGitDiffExtract | |
CGitPiecewiseLoader | |
CGitRepository | |
►CHistory | |
CCommitTime | |
Cinsert | |
CintValueChange | |
►CListMergeComponent | |
CIdPosition | |
ClistReorder | |
CListsReorderInsertDeleteResolvable | |
CLoadingFullList | |
CLoadingPartialList | |
CLoadingTypedList | |
CLoadModeNodesSingleUnitOnly | |
CLoadMultipleUnits | |
CLoadRootOnly | |
CMerge | |
CMergeChange | |
CMergeData | |
CMergePipelineComponent | |
CMoveAndListChangesResolvable | |
CMoveChangeBetweenListsResolvable | |
CMoveChangeBySingleVersion | |
CMoveCycleSimple | |
CMoveInAndListChangesResolvable | |
CMoveVsInsertConflict | |
CnoChange | |
CNodeData | |
CparentChange | |
CParser | |
CPasteBinaryFromClipboard | |
CPasteInListFromClipboard | |
CPasteListFromClipboard | |
CPasteTextFromClipboard | |
CPiecewiseLoader | |
CRelativePathData | |
CRunMerge | The RunMerge test is not an actual test but rather is used to run the merge algorithm on the repo found in /tmp/EnvisionVC/TestMerge |
CSaveModeNodesSingleUnitOnly | |
CSaveMultipleUnits | |
CSaveRootOnly | |
CSavingTypedList | |
CSignature | |
CSimpleTextFileStore | |
CSingleVersionChange | |
CSoftConflict | |
CstmtEdit | |
CSystemClipboard | |
CTwoChangesDifferentLists | |
CTwoChangesDifferentLists_LabelCycle | |
CTwoChangesSameList | |
CTwoChangesSameList_DelInsNodes | |
CTwoChangesSameList_LabelCycleResolvable | |
CTwoDeletesInSameListResolvable | |
CTwoDeletesNoConflict | |
CtypeChange | |
CUnorderedAndUnitsConflicting | |
CVCTestProject | |
CXMLModel | |
►NHelloWorld | |
CHelloWorldPlugin | Implements the interface between the HelloWorld plug-in and Envision |
CHelloWorldPrinter | Class that contains a static "Hello World" method |
►NInformationScripting | |
►Ndetail | |
CPropertyData | |
CPropertyData< DataType, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< DataType >::value &&!std::is_base_of< Model::Node, std::remove_pointer_t< DataType > >::value >::type > | |
CPropertyData< DataType, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< DataType >::value &&std::is_base_of< Model::Node, std::remove_pointer_t< DataType > >::value >::type > | |
CPropertyDataConcept | |
►Nhelper | |
CPythonSet | |
CPythonSetBase | |
Cregister_set_pytype_ptr | |
►NPythonConverters | |
CQList_to_python_list | |
CQList_to_python_list< T * > | |
CQSet_to_python_set | |
CQSet_to_python_set< T * > | |
CQString_from_python_str | |
CQString_to_python_str | |
CAddASTPropertiesAsTuples | |
CArgumentParser | |
►CArgumentRule | |
CArgumentValueCheck | |
CArgumentValue | |
CAstModification | |
CAstQuery | |
CBoostPythonHelpers | |
CBreakpointManager | |
CCommandArgument | |
CCommandNode | |
CCompositeQuery | |
CCompositeQueryNode | |
CCount | |
CFilter | |
CHeatmap | |
CHQuery | |
CInformationScriptingException | |
CInformationScriptingPlugin | Implements the interface between the InformationScripting plug-in and Envision |
CInputMapping | |
CJoin | |
CLinearQuery | |
CNamedProperty | |
CNodePropertyAdder | |
COperatorQueryNode | |
COptional | Class inspired by std::experimental::optional, but it additionally contains an error/warning message |
CPassthroughQuery | |
CPositionalArgument | |
CProperty | |
CQuery | |
CQueryBuilder | |
CQueryExecutor | |
CQueryNode | |
CQueryNodeContainer | |
CQueryNodeInCompositeQuery | |
CQueryParser | |
CQueryParsingException | |
CQueryPromptInput | |
CQueryPromptInputStyle | |
CQueryPromptMode | |
CQueryRegistry | |
CQueryResultVisualizer | |
CQueryRuntimeException | |
CReachable | |
CRuntimeQuery | |
CScriptQuery | |
CSimpleTest | |
CSubstractOperator | |
CTagExtension | |
CTagQuery | |
CTuple | |
CTupleSet | |
CUnionOperator | |
CVCommandArgument | |
CVCommandArgumentStyle | |
CVCommandNode | |
CVCommandNodeStyle | |
CVCompositeQueryNode | |
CVCompositeQueryNodeStyle | |
CVersionControlQuery | |
CVOperatorQueryNode | |
CVOperatorQueryNodeStyle | |
CVQueryNodeContainer | |
CYield | |
►NInteraction | |
CAction | |
CActionPrompt | |
CActionPromptStyle | |
►CActionRegistry | |
CRegisteredHandler | |
CAddEmptyValue | |
CAddErrorOperator | |
CAddOperator | |
CAddReferencedToViewCommand | |
CAddSubExpression | |
CAddValue | |
CAutoComplete | |
CAutoCompleteEntry | |
CAutoCompleteVis | |
CAutoCompleteVisStyle | |
CCAddInfoNode | |
CCAddNodeToView | |
CCAddNodeToViewByName | |
CCFind | |
CCMerge | |
CCNewView | |
CCommand | |
CCommandError | |
CCommandExecutionEngine | |
CCommandHelp | |
CCommandMode | |
CCommandResult | |
CCommandSuggestion | |
CCommandWithDefaultArguments | |
CCommandWithFlags | |
►CCOpenDir | |
CParser | |
CCreateNamedObjectWithAttributes | |
CCRemoveNodeFromView | |
CCSaveView | |
CCSceneHandlerItemExit | |
CCSceneHandlerLoad | |
CCSceneHandlerSave | |
CCSwitchView | |
CCToggleArrowLayer | |
CCToggleInfoEntry | |
CDetectMainSceneActivated | |
CEmpty | |
CErrorDescriptor | |
CExpectedToken | |
CExpression | |
CExpressionContext | |
CExpressionEditor | |
CExpressionTreeBuilder | |
CExpressionTreeBuildInstruction | |
CExpressionTreeUtils | |
CExpressionVisitor | |
CFinishOperator | |
CGenericActions | |
CGenericHandler | |
CGenericHandlerManagerListener | |
CHActionPrompt | |
CHArrowHandler | |
CHBinaryNode | |
CHComposite | |
CHInfoNode | |
CHList | |
CHMovableItem | |
CHPositionLayout | |
CHPromptShell | |
CHRootItem | |
CHSceneHandlerItem | |
CHText | |
CHViewItem | |
CHWebBrowserItem | |
CInteractionBaseException | |
CInteractionBasePlugin | Implements the interface between the InteractionBase plug-in and Envision |
CLeaveUnfinished | |
CMenu | This class provides a standard interface for creating a menu which is opened at the last cursor position |
CMenuStyle | |
COperator | |
COperatorDescriptor | |
COperatorDescriptorList | |
CParser | |
CParseResult | |
CPlainTextParser | |
CPrompt | |
CPromptMode | |
CPromptShell | |
CPromptShellStyle | |
CPromptTextInput | |
CPromptTextInputStyle | |
CSetCursorEvent | |
CShowCommandPromptEvent | |
CSkipOperatorDelimiter | |
CTextAndDescription | |
CTextAndDescriptionStyle | |
CTextSelect | |
CToken | |
CTokenSplitData | |
CUnfinishedOperator | |
CValue | |
CViewSwitcherMenu | |
CVViewSwitcherEntry | |
►NJavaExport | |
CCJavaExport | |
CDeclarationVisitor | |
CElementVisitor | |
CExpressionVisitor | |
CJavaExporter | |
CJavaExportException | |
CJavaExportPlugin | Implements the interface between the JavaExport plug-in and Envision |
CSimpleTest | |
CStatementVisitor | |
►NLogger | The Logger plug-in provides facilities to keep a system log |
CDefaultLog | |
►CLog | The Log interface includes functionality for recording system events |
CLogEntry | The information of each entry in the log |
CLoggerPlugin | |
CLogTester | |
CTimer | |
►NModel | The ModelBase plug-in defines the structure and basic functionality of the application tree in Envision |
CAllTreeManagers | All existing tree managers |
CAttribute | |
CAttributeChain | |
CBoolean | |
CCharacter | |
CChildNodeRetrieval | |
CClipboardStore | |
CCompositeIndex | |
CCompositeMetaData | |
CCompositeNode | |
CCompositeNodeChangeChild | |
CExtendedVisitor | |
CFieldSet | |
CFileSystemEntry | |
CFloat | |
CInteger | |
CInterruptibleThread | |
CList | |
CListCreation | |
CListInsert | This command is used to insert a list element at a specific position in a list |
CListInsertion | |
CListPut | This command is used to put a list element at a specific position in a list |
CListRemoval | |
CListRemove | |
CListUndo | |
CLoadedNode | |
CModelBasePlugin | |
CModelException | |
CModificationNotificationTests | |
CNameChange | |
CNameResolver | |
CNameText | |
CNode | Foundation element in the tree in Envision |
CNodeIdMap | |
CNodeOwningCommand | |
CNodeReadWriteLock | |
CNodeToDebugStringAdapter | This class is only used for debugging purposes, to convert a Node to a string |
CNoteNodeChange | |
CNotificationListener | |
CPersistenceSave | |
CPersistentStore | |
CPersistentStoreMock | |
CPositionExtension | |
CProperRegistration | |
CReference | |
CRemoveOptional | |
CResolutionRequest | |
CSetModificationTarget | |
CSimpleTreeManagerCreation | |
CSingleWriteUnitCheck | |
CSymbolMatcher | |
CText | |
CTreeManager | Management and access entity for a program tree |
►CTypedList | |
CConstTypedIterator | |
CTypedIterator | Iterator |
CUndoCommand | |
CUndoRedoGroupTextSet | |
CUndoRedoOptionalNodes | |
CUndoRedoTextSet | |
CUsedLibrary | |
CVisitor | |
CVisitorA | |
CVisitorB | |
CVisitorC | |
CVisitorSample | |
►NOODebug | |
CAllThreads | |
CAllThreadsCommand | |
CArrayValues | |
CBreakClassLoad | |
CBreakpointCommand | |
CBreakpointEvent | |
CCJavaCompile | |
CCJavaDebug | |
CCJavaRun | |
CClassBySignature | |
CClassesBySignature | |
CClassesBySignatureCommand | |
CClassPrepare | |
CCodeIndexLine | |
CCommand | A Command Packet as in http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jpda/jdwp-spec.html |
CCommandLineCompiler | A wrapper class for command line compilers |
CCompilerFeedback | CompilerFeedback contains all parsed messaged from one compilation |
CCompilerMessage | Represents a single message from the compiler |
CCompilerOutputParser | |
CCompositeCommand | |
CConsoleOverlay | |
CConsoleOverlayStyle | |
CCProbe | |
CDebugConnector | A Connector to a Java VM via the JDWP protocol |
CDebugUtils | |
CEvent | |
CEventClearCommand | |
CEventSetCommand | |
CEventSetReply | |
CFrame | |
CFrames | |
CFramesCommand | |
CGetArrayValuesCommand | |
CGetValuesCommand | |
CIDSizeCommand | |
CIDSizes | |
CJavaCompiler | |
CJavaDebugger | |
CJavaRunner | |
CJVMMethod | |
CLength | |
CLengthCommand | |
CLineTable | |
CLineTableCommand | |
CLocation | |
CMainMethodFinder | Implements a visitor to find a Java main-method |
CMessageField | |
CMessagePart | The base class for the Command and Reply class, it defines the stream reading and writing operators |
CMethods | |
CMethodsCommand | |
CModifier | |
COODebugException | |
COODebugPlugin | Implements the interface between the OODebug plug-in and Envision |
CPlotOverlay | |
CPlotOverlayStyle | |
CProbes | |
CProbeVisualization | |
CProtocol | Defines all constant values as in: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/platform/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html |
CReferenceFinder | Implements a visitor to find all references to some node |
CReply | A Reply Packet as in http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jpda/jdwp-spec.html |
CResumeCommand | |
CRunProcess | A wrapper class for a QProcess pointer |
CSignature | |
CSignatureCommand | |
CSimpleTest | |
CSingleStepEvent | |
CSourceFile | |
CSourceFileCommand | |
CStackVariable | |
CStepCommand | |
CStepData | |
CStringValue | |
CStringValueCommand | |
CSuspendCommand | |
CTaggedObjectId | |
CThreadName | |
CThreadNameCommand | |
CTrackedVariable | |
CUserVisibleBreakpoint | |
CValue | |
CValues | |
CVariableDetails | |
CVariableObserver | |
CVariableTable | |
CVariableTableCommand | |
CVersionCommand | |
CVersionInfo | |
CVMStart | |
►NOOInteraction | |
CCAddBaseClassesToView | |
CCAddCalleesToView | |
CCAddCallersToView | |
CCAddSubClassesToView | |
CCCreateClass | |
CCCreateField | |
CCCreateMethod | |
CCCreateModule | |
CCCreateProject | |
CCDoxygen | Offers the command line interaction to execute the Alloy generation |
CCDumpMethodRenderings | |
CCell | |
CCInspectMethodInView | |
CCommandDescriptor | |
CCommandExpression | |
CCompoundObjectDescriptor | |
CCompoundObjectPlaceholder | |
CCompoundObjectStringOffsetProvider | |
CCreateAnonymousClass | |
CCreateLambda | |
CCreateMethodCall | |
CCSceneHandlerItemTest | |
CCustomizationVisitor | |
CDoxygenCommentsOnlyVisitor | Transforms the documentation of a node to Doxygen compatible text |
CDoxygenWholeTreeVisitor | Generations a dummy C++ file with minimal code (empty function bodies) |
CEmptyExpressionStringOffsetProvider | |
CGridBasedOffsetProvider | |
CGridConstructors | |
CHArrayInitializer | |
CHClass | |
CHExpression | |
CHForEachStatement | |
CHFormalArgument | |
CHIfStatement | |
CHKeywordStatement | |
CHLoop | |
CHMethod | |
CHModule | |
CHProject | |
CHReturnStatement | |
CHStatement | |
CHStatementItemList | |
CInitializerStringOffsetProvider | |
CListCell | |
COOActions | |
COOExpressionBuilder | |
COOInteractionException | |
COOInteractionPlugin | Implements the interface between the OOInteraction plug-in and Envision |
COOOperatorDescriptor | |
COOOperatorDescriptorList | |
CSetExpressionCursorEvent | |
CSimpleTest | |
CStaticStringOffsetProvider | |
►CStringComponents | |
COptional | |
CStringOffsetProvider | |
CTextRendererStringOffsetProvider | |
►NOOModel | |
CAnonymousClassExpression | |
CArrayInitializer | |
CArrayType | |
CArrayTypeExpression | |
CAssertStatement | |
CAssignmentExpression | |
CAutoTypeExpression | |
CBinaryOperation | |
CBlock | |
CBooleanLiteral | |
CBreakStatement | |
CCaseStatement | |
CCastExpression | |
CCatchClause | |
CCharacterLiteral | |
CClass | |
CClassType | |
CClassTypeExpression | |
CCodeGenerationVisitor | |
CCommaExpression | |
CCommentStatementItem | |
CConditionalExpression | |
CContinueStatement | |
CDeclaration | |
CDeclarationStatement | |
CDeleteExpression | |
CEmptyExpression | |
CEnumerator | |
CErrorExpression | |
CErrorType | |
CExplicitTemplateInstantiation | |
CExpression | |
CExpressionStatement | |
CField | |
CFloatLiteral | |
CForEachStatement | |
CFormalArgument | |
CFormalMetaArgument | |
CFormalResult | |
CFormalTypeArgument | |
CFunctionType | |
CFunctionTypeExpression | |
CGlobalScopeExpression | |
CIfStatement | |
CInstanceOfExpression | |
CIntegerLiteral | |
CJavaLibraryAndHelloWorldTest | |
CJavaTypeSystem | |
CLambdaExpression | |
CLoopStatement | |
CMemberInitializer | This class represent various forms of member initializers |
CMetaBinding | |
CMetaCallExpression | |
CMetaCallMapping | |
CMetaDefinition | |
CMethod | |
CMethodCallExpression | |
CModifier | |
CModule | |
CNameImport | |
CNewExpression | |
CNullLiteral | |
CNullType | |
COOModelException | |
COOModelPlugin | Implements the interface between the OOModel plug-in and Envision |
COOReference | |
COOResolutionRequest | |
CPointerType | |
CPointerTypeExpression | |
CPrimitiveType | |
CPrimitiveTypeExpression | |
CProject | |
CReferenceExpression | |
CReferenceType | |
CReferenceTypeExpression | |
CReturnStatement | |
CSimpleClassTest | |
CSimpleProjectTest | |
CStatement | |
CStatementItem | |
CStatementItemList | |
CStringLiteral | |
CStringType | |
CSuperExpression | |
CSwitchStatement | |
CSymbolProviderType | |
CSynchronizedStatement | |
CThisExpression | |
CThrowExpression | |
CThrownExceptionType | |
CTryCatchFinallyStatement | |
CType | |
CTypeAlias | |
CTypeArgumentBindings | |
CTypeExpression | |
CTypeNameOperator | |
CTypeQualifierExpression | |
CTypeSystem | |
CTypeTraitExpression | |
CUnaryOperation | |
CUnfinishedOperator | |
CVariableDeclaration | |
CVariableDeclarationExpression | |
►NOOVisualization | |
►CAutoLayouter | |
CSize | |
CInfoMethods | |
CJavaLibraryAndHelloWorldTest | |
CMethodAddOn | |
COOVisualizationException | |
COOVisualizationPlugin | Implements the interface between the OOVisualization plug-in and Envision |
COperatorSequenceStyle | |
COperatorStyle | |
CVAnonymousClassExpression | |
CVAnonymousClassExpressionStyle | |
CVArrayInitializer | |
CVArrayInitializerStyle | |
CVAssertStatement | |
CVAssertStatementStyle | |
CVAutoType | |
CVBinaryOperation | |
CVBlock | |
CVBlockStyle | |
CVBooleanLiteral | |
CVBreakStatement | |
CVCaseStatement | |
CVCaseStatementStyle | |
CVCastExpression | |
CVCastExpressionStyle | |
CVCatchClause | |
CVCatchClauseStyle | |
CVCharacterLiteral | |
CVClass | |
CVClassStyle | |
CVClassSzPublic | |
CVClassSzPublicStyle | |
CVClassType | |
CVCommentStatementItem | |
CVContinueStatement | |
CVContinueStatementStyle | |
CVDeclarationConstantSz | |
CVDeclarationConstantSzStyle | |
CVDeclarationStatement | |
CVDeclarationSz | |
CVDeclarationSzStyle | |
CVEmptyExpression | |
CVEmptyExpressionStyle | |
CVEnumerator | |
CVEnumeratorStyle | |
CVErrorExpression | |
CVErrorExpressionStyle | |
CVExplicitTemplateInstantiation | |
CVExplicitTemplateInstantiationStyle | |
CVExpression | |
CVExpressionStatement | |
CVExpressionStaticData | |
CVField | |
CVFieldStyle | |
CVFloatLiteral | |
CVForEachStatement | |
CVForEachStatementStyle | |
CVFormalArgument | |
CVFormalArgumentStyle | |
CVFormalMetaArgument | |
CVFormalMetaArgumentStyle | |
CVFormalResult | |
CVFormalResultStyle | |
CVFormalTypeArgument | |
CVFormalTypeArgumentStyle | |
CVFunctionType | |
CVFunctionTypeStyle | |
CVIfStatement | |
CVIfStatementStyle | |
CVIntegerLiteral | |
CVKeywordMethodCall | |
CVKeywordMethodCallStyle | |
CVLambdaExpression | |
CVLambdaExpressionStyle | |
CVLoopStatement | |
CVLoopStatementStyle | |
CVMemberInitializer | |
CVMemberInitializerStyle | |
CVMetaBinding | |
CVMetaBindingStyle | |
CVMetaCallExpression | |
CVMetaCallExpressionStyle | |
CVMetaCallMapping | |
CVMetaCallMappingStyle | |
CVMetaDefinition | |
CVMetaDefinitionStyle | |
CVMethod | |
CVMethodCallExpression | |
CVMethodCallExpressionStyle | |
CVMethodStyle | |
CVMethodSzPublic | |
CVMethodSzPublicStyle | |
CVModifier | |
CVModule | |
CVModuleStyle | |
CVNameImport | |
CVNameImportStyle | |
CVNewExpression | |
CVNewExpressionStyle | |
CVNullLiteral | |
CVOOReference | |
CVPrimitiveType | |
CVProject | |
CVProjectStyle | |
CVReferenceExpression | |
CVReferenceExpressionStyle | |
CVReturnStatement | |
CVReturnStatementStyle | |
CVStatementItem | |
CVStatementItemList | |
CVStatementItemStaticData | |
CVStringLiteral | |
CVStringLiteralStyle | |
CVSuperExpression | |
CVSwitchStatement | |
CVSwitchStatementStyle | |
CVSynchronizedStatement | |
CVSynchronizedStatementStyle | |
CVThisExpression | |
CVTryCatchFinally | |
CVTryCatchFinallyStyle | |
CVTypeAlias | |
CVTypeAliasStyle | |
CVUnfinishedOperator | |
CVUnfinishedOperatorStyle | |
CVVariableDeclarationExpression | |
CVVariableDeclarationExpressionStyle | |
►NSelfTest | The SelfTest plug-in provides a basic unit test framework that can be used by other plug-ins to implement self-testing |
CSelfTestPlugin | |
CTest | The Test template class is used to define a new test |
CTestBase | The Test class is the base class for a single test for the Envision testing framework |
CTestManager | The TestManager class manages test registrations and execution for each plug-in |
CTestResult | Describes the outcome of a single test or check |
CTestResults | Describes the outcome of series of tests run consecutively |
►NTestNodes | |
CBinaryNode | |
CBinaryNodeAccessUnit | |
CBinaryNodePersistenceUnit | |
CPartialList | |
CPositionExtension | |
►NVersionControlUI | |
CCClear | |
CCDiff | |
CChangeWithNodes | |
CCHistory | |
CDiffFrame | |
CDiffFramesAndSetup | |
CDiffManager | |
CDiffSetup | |
CHObjectPathCrumb | |
CObjectPathCrumb | |
CObjectPathCrumbData | |
CObjectPathCrumbStyle | |
CSimpleTest | |
CVDiffFrame | |
CVDiffFrameStyle | |
CVersionControlUIException | |
CVersionControlUIPlugin | Implements the interface between the VersionControlUI plug-in and Envision |
CVersionNodes | |
►NVisualization | The VisualizationBase plug-in sets the foundations of the visualization framework in Envision |
CAnchorLayoutAnchor | An anchor is a constraint on how two elements are positioned relative to each other along one axis |
CAnchorLayoutConstraintSolver | This class can solve the linear program given by a list of elements and anchors |
CAnchorLayoutFormElement | |
CArrowOverlay | An overlay to draw an arrow from the first item to the second item |
CArrowOverlayStyle | |
CBorderFormElement | The border form element is a placeholder form element that can be used to make Anchor Layouts stretchable |
CBox | |
CBoxOverlay | |
CBoxOverlayStyle | |
CBoxStyle | |
CBoxTest | |
CBraces | |
CBracesStyle | |
CCompositeTest | |
CCursor | |
CCursorShapeItem | |
CCustomSceneEvent | |
CDeclarativeItem | The DeclarativeItem class is the base class for all items that use the declarative API for visualizations |
►CDeclarativeItemBase | The non-template base class for DeclarativeItem |
CMerge | |
CDeclarativeItemBaseStyle | |
CDeclarativeTest | |
CDeclarativeTestStyle | |
CDiamond | |
CDiamondStyle | |
►CDynamicGridFormElement | |
CItemData | |
CElementCache | Class to cache information about an element, that varies form item to item |
CEmptyItem | A stretchable item which is empty and can be used to draw a shape |
CFormElement | Base class for all the form elements, that can be added as a form to a DeclarativeItem |
CFrame | |
CFrameStyle | |
CFullDetailSize | |
CGridLayout | |
CGridLayouter | |
CGridLayoutFormElement | This class allows the arrangement of elements in a grid |
CGridLayoutStyle | |
CHighlightOverlay | |
CHighlightOverlayStyle | |
CIcon | |
CIconOverlay | |
CIconOverlayStyle | |
CIconStyle | |
CInfoJavascriptFunctions | |
►CInfoNode | An InfoNode is the base class of all nodes which display some sort of information on a target node |
CInfoGetterStruct | |
CInteractionHandler | |
CItem | |
CItemRegion | |
CItemStyle | |
CItemWithNode | |
CItemWrapperFormElement | Base class for an element wrapping an item |
CLayout | |
CLayoutCursor | |
CLayoutFormElement | Base class for a layout element |
CLayoutProvider | |
CLayoutProviderBase | |
CLayoutStyle | |
CLine | |
CLineStyle | |
CMainView | |
CMajorMinorIndex | |
CMessageOverlay | |
CMessageOverlayStyle | |
CMiniMap | |
CMipmap | |
CModelRenderer | |
CNodeItemWrapperFormElement | This is an item wrapper element, with a specifiable node to create the item with |
CNodeWithVisualizationItemWrapperFormElement | This is an item wrapper element, with a specifiable style for the wrapped item, and a node to create the item with |
CNodeWrapper | This class can be used to display nodes with their default style, but wrapped in an item, which can be given an ItemStyle |
COverlay | |
COverlayAccessor | |
COverlayAccessorTemplate | |
COverlayAccessorTemplateWithDeleter | |
COverlayGroup | |
CPosition | |
CPositionLayout | |
CPositionLayoutStyle | |
CRootItem | |
CScene | |
CSceneHandlerItem | |
CSelectionOverlay | |
CSequentialLayout | |
►CSequentialLayoutFormElement | The sequential layout element can display a list of items either horizontally or vertically |
CItemData | |
CSequentialLayoutStyle | |
CShape | |
CShapeFormElement | The shape form element is a placeholder form element, stretching to encompass all the available space |
CShapeStyle | |
CStatic | |
CStaticSequenceStyle | |
CStaticStyle | |
CStyle | |
CStyleLoader | |
CStyleNode | |
CStyleProperty | |
CStyleProperty< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | |
CStyleProperty< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value >::type > | |
CStyleSet | |
CSuperFormElement | |
CSuperLayoutElement | |
CSVGIcon | |
CSVGIconStyle | |
CSvgShape | |
CSvgShapeStyle | |
CSymbol | |
CSymbolStyle | |
CSzLevelOrderingManager | |
CTestBox | |
CTestBoxNode | |
CText | |
CTextCursor | |
CTextRenderer | |
CTextStyle | |
CUINode | |
CUpdateSceneEvent | |
CVBoolean | |
CVCharacter | |
CVComposite | |
CVCompositeStyle | |
CVFloat | |
CView | |
►CViewItem | Visualization of an entire view within a single item |
CArrowToAdd | |
CViewItemManager | The ViewItemManager manages all the different ViewItems which are part of a given scene |
CViewItemNode | Used in the ViewItem class and simply wraps a top level node to give another level of indirection |
CVInfoNode | |
CVInteger | |
CVisualizationAddOn | |
CVisualizationBasePlugin | |
CVisualizationException | |
CVisualizationGroup | |
CVisualizationGroupsManager | |
CVisualizationItemWrapperFormElement | This is an item wrapper element, with a specifiable style for the wrapped item |
CVisualizationItemWrapperFormElementSyncMethod | |
CVisualizationItemWrapperFormElementSyncMethod< ChildItem, Style, true > | |
CVisualizationManager | |
CVisualizationSuitabilityScore | |
CVList | |
CVListStyle | |
CVReference | |
CVText | |
CVUsedLibrary | |
CVUsedLibraryStyle | |
CVViewItemNode | The VVIewItemNode class visualizes a ViewItemNode, either by visualizing its reference if it exists, or else rendering an empty item for spacing |
CWebBrowserItem | |
CZoomLabelOverlay | |